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This story is a sequel to The Day Spike Stopped Caring

(But you don't need to read the first story!)

Breakups are hard. They're only made more difficult when they involve Death, a missing ex, and a ticking expiration date on a Wonderbolts acceptance letter. Spike will have to traverse Lewis Carroll's wet dreams on acid if he wants to find Rainbow Dash by the end of the day.

Unfortunately, there are many obstacles ready to impede his path, many discoveries still for the drake to have—like Greed glorifying gluttony guiding him to his desires like a used car dealer—and an old love interest hellbent on getting him back. Maybe it's about time Spike started caring. Well, kinda caring.

Edited by the revived NATOstrike , the polished OmicroniX, and pre-read by Sejox.

Cover-art done by the super-duper Doctor Disco

Chapters (8)

Twilight still isn't having a very good day. An army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and the experimental spell that blew up in her face has stuck her in a time loop until she gets everything perfect and saves Equestria.

She's got a plan. She's also got a problem: Suddenly, she's not the only one whose day is repeating. And when you're caught between unstoppable force and immovable object, life has a tendency to get complicated.

* * *

This story is an authorized alternate-universe re-imagining of Eakin's Hard Reset, in which multiple loopers turn the time shenanigans up to 11. (Knowledge of Hard Reset is not required, but based on reader comments, will help in sorting out the early chapters.)

Cliff's Notes versions: RampantArcana has started a GitHub repository to codify the time-loop rules and the early-story timeline. Hawthornbunny has posted a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of all the loops, including the ones we don't see, with a lot of critical analysis. Those links contain spoilers (of currently posted chapters). If you're confused, either one of those fan projects is a great starting point, and story comments have a lot of insightful discussion as well.

Publication schedule: 2014 kicked my plot, but as of November I'm picking up the writing again and hope to have something by the end of the month.

Cover art by Alexstrazsa.

Chapters (17)

Twenty years ago Spike left Equestria, and now lives in the frozen north, far away from his home and friends, In these Twenty years, Spike has become a pure, unadulterated badass. He has been hunting a Unicorn named Rusty Tom (who is the kingpin of the Frozen North's black market) over a personal score but after Twenty years is still no closer to catching him. Enjoy Spike`s adventure while he looks for Tom.

Edited by - ItIsASillyLittleGam
Cover by - Little Tigress
additional art done by- Spirit Shift

Chapters (6)

Spike Drake has started attending Canterlot Academy as part of a Co-Ed experiment. With him being the only guy in an entire academy filled with hot and sexy girls, will his teenage hormones drive him crazy, or will the boy-starved student body eat him alive?

Chapters (36)

Coco Pommel is visiting Ponyville to help Rarity with a project but will she spark feelings in Spike that were reserved for Rarity?

Chapters (14)

Loosely based on The Selection Book Series by Kiera Cass.

35 mares. 1 dragon. The competition of a lifetime. Applejack never thought she would end up in a Selection to win Prince Spike's heart much less actually wanting to see if she has a future with the dragon after all! For Spike he is going to have to make a difficult decision if Applejack can't stay after all.

Chapters (42)

A different story each, drive into a tale about Spike with a different member of the mane six in a different chapter. In this series of one-shots

Chapters (7)

Spike took a walk in Ponyville, and heard something about a gemstone in the Everfree forest, he checked it out, and does not come back, a worried Twilight formed a search party, but after 2 months of searching, he was persume dead.

1 year later a purple alicorn colt is found unconscious on the apple farm, it turns out it was Spike and three certain fillies fall for him, and found out he's remembering little by little and has to deal with a jealous Twilight, when Starlight starts teaching him magic.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Rarity Gets Jealous

It's Hearth's Warming in Ponyville again, a season characterized by joy, merrymaking, and love. Spike is currently toeing the line between Rarity's and Flitter's interest in him, but a strange occurrence in Ponyville soon after the arrival of Princesses Luna and Cadence turns the whole crazy love triangle on its head.

This is a sequel to the smash hit "Rarity Gets Jealous"...I suppose it's not completely necessary to read the first story to understand this one (as most of the plot can be gleaned from context), but I would recommend reading it prior to this one, to get the most fulfillment out of it.
Rated Teen for some suggestive passages.

Merry Christmas!

Entered in the Current Sparity Contest.

Chapters (3)

Spike has been spending a lot of time with Flitter, a local pony in town who is (at best) an acquaintance of the Mane 6. Rarity sees this and launches straight into action, enlisting Twilight Sparkle's aid in getting to the bottom of Flitter's intentions with her dear Spikey-Wikey.

Teen Rating for some suggestive passages.

Beautiful Cover Art by the generous Blackflash, and vectored/edited by the splendiferous CaioCoia!

EDIT: Featured 9/21/16! Thanks so much!
EDIT: Hit 4k views 10/7/16- Most successful story so far. I'm glad people enjoyed it!

Chapters (1)